
I love writing (and I also love revisions). I write cozy mystery and fantasy. It might seem odd to write in those genres, but I love reading and writing them. I get to have my sweet cup of tea with cozy mystery and a dash of wonder with fantasy.  On this site, you’ll mainly find short stories and I’m currently plotting and researching for a longer story, perhaps a novel.

More writing news will be added as I have some to share here.  🙂

You can also check out the “Writing” category (on the navigation at right) to see my Saturday Shorts, which are super-short stories I post on Saturdays (hat tip to Sarah Addison Allen who shares lovely and magical Sunday Shorts and inspired me to do something similar). The photos in the Saturday Shorts are ones I’ve taken on different trips and around town.

As to favorite authors, there are so many whose work I love to read and who inspire me that I’m only listing a sampling here. Nancy Atherton is one of my favorite cozy mystery writers. I love Neil Gaiman’s work (and he’s a total fan of libraries), Jim Butcher’s work (all three series), and J.R.R. Tolkien’s work (all of it). Although I don’t write horror (and I don’t watch it either), I love Stephen King’s work–horror and non-horror. Jane Austen is a perpetual favorite of mine, as is the poetry of Emily Dickinson. I love how Sarah Addison Allen weaves magic into her books. I’m also a fan of Haruki Murakami’s work and Becky Chambers’ Psalm for the Wild-Built. I also adore Sarah Kuhn’s wok (even though I’m usually not a YA fan).

For non-fiction, I can’t read Bill Bryson in public because I laugh too much and people start moving away from me on public transit. I also love reading Jared Diamond’s work (it’s the biology major in me) and am amazed at the scope of his research. Typography and beautiful graphic design books (love Chip Kidd) are also on my list of great reads. I’m inspired by Brene Brown’s work and Desmond Tutu’s writings and Joy Harjo’s poetry.

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