Change and Growth

How is 2016 treating you? Has it been a good year, full of growth and discovery? Or, are you feeling like the year has gotten away from you? Or, perhaps it is a bit of both. The year has been flying by, but it’s still spring and there is still so much time left to make the year great. This quote speaks to this for me.

Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Karen Kaiser Clark

Sometimes I just want things to stay the same, so I can get my feet under me and feel like I know what I’m doing and where I’m going. It’s a common feeling, I think. But the world and life doesn’t work like that. Life is change, which we see especially in spring. But, unlike blooming flowers or hatching birds, we have a choice about what we do with the inevitable change. We can grow or we can choose not to grow.

I hope we all choose to grow and change for the better. That we stretch and reach for those dreams that we barely whisper to ourselves. That we share generously our new insights and creations. And, I hope, maybe just for a weekend, that we can slow down and enjoy instead of rushing around because in those small moments are when we can get our best ideas and truly break forth in a great growth spurt.

I hope you are having a lovely spring. For those doing Camp NaNoWriMo, how’s it going? I hope wonderfully well. 🙂