Let’s have Dessert!

Oh, it has been a week, hasn’t it? Some weeks are easy and some kind of hit you on the side of the nose, like a cat trying to wake you up in the morning. Since it has kind of been one of the latter kinds of weeks around here, I thought this quote was fitting.

"Life is uncertain, have dessert first." ~Will Rogers

“Life is uncertain, have dessert first.” ~Will Rogers

Sometimes it is nice to skip right to dessert and dive into a warm, fudge brownie or big bowl of frozen yogurt. We know we can’t do that all the time, but sometimes it is just what we needed. Life is crazy uncertain no matter what you’re doing, but dessert can always be certain.

So give yourself permission to have dessert first. Remember, Will Rogers said it was okay. ๐Ÿ™‚

p.s. And if you want to make your dessert, why not try some extra nutty dark chocolate brownies? They look delicious and Joy the Baker’s recipes have never let me down.

Trust and Books

Our local, independent bookshop gives out bookmarks with quotes whenever you make a purchase at the shop. It really is a lovely treat to see what quote is on the bookmark as we walk back home with our books. This quote was on one of the bookmarks we got from the shop and I think it is just wonderful advice.

"Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them." Lemony Snicket

“Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.” Lemony Snicket

Books say a lot about our tastes and interests, especially if we end up discussing them with someone we meet in a bookshop, on the train, or in the waiting room. I love talking about books with people and hearing about what they’re reading. I also like the advice to always bring a book with you. My bag is usually full of books (a hazard of working in a library) and I always have one or two that I’m studying, or devouring, depending on the subject and genre. And I do wonder what people do when they’ve not brought a book with them. Spend more time staring at their phone, I suppose. (I always hope they’re reading a book on their phone, too, but again that is probably my library work talking.)

So as you go about your day and week, take a moment to ask someone about the book they’re currently reading. We put our trust in books to teach us, to entertain us, to enlighten us, and to amaze us. Why wouldn’t we also trust or not depending on if someone has a book? ย Remember, never trust them if they’ve not brought a book. Would Lemony Snicket ever steer you wrong? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hope you have a lovely day. ๐Ÿ™‚

Flying and Falling

Autumn is definitely in the air around the Bay Area, which always makes it feel like a good time for change. I think it is something about school season being in full swing combined with the days getting shorter that makes me feel like both a new year is beginning (I feel my life will always revolve around the school calendar in some way) and that the year is wrapping up (and there is so much left to do!). I felt like this quote from Karen Goldman was particularly good for this time of year. (I even saw at least one person take a photo of it while it was posted on my door.)

"Risk the fall in order to fly" ~Karen Goldman

“Risk the fall in order to fly” ~Karen Goldman

It is a good reminder, especially when we are trying new things, that we have to risk falling if we are stretching ourselves and trying new things. We have to risk the scrapped knees, the rejection letters, the bruised egos, and the pain of failing and falling. It isn’t any fun, but it is a necessary risk. And it is only with that risk that we might be able to fly and doesn’t that feel good when we do? ๐Ÿ™‚

So I’m going to continue to brave the fall so that I can fly and I hope you do, too.

Don’t be a Cynic

It is finally starting to feel like fall here, which is good considering it is almost October. As we roll into autumn with its shorter days and dark, sometimes dreary nights, it is good to remember this quote by Emerson:

"A cynic can chill and dishearten with a single word." Ralph Waldo Emerson

“A cynic can chill and dishearten with a single word.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

It reminds me to not be cynical, which is an oh-so-easy trap to fall into these days. No one likes a cynic and cynicism has no place in living life fully or being able to create new art. It is tempting to be cynical especially as we grow older, but I think that’s why we need to remind ourselves that we have a choice not to be cynical. We have the power to not ruin other people’s days with caustic comments that “chill and dishearten.”

I am especially reminded of the need to be open to new experiences and life as it comes when I start teaching a new group of freshmen, which I do almost every fall. Most are bright-eyed and start the term with wonder tinged with some trepidation. But there’s always one or two who wear their cynicism on their sleeves as if it were a good thing, a mark of maturity. They declare that they already know everything there is to know about life. I nod and carry on with class. But, if I’m very lucky, by the end of the term I’ve been able to help them find a crack in their cynicism so they have the possibility of being open to learning and changing and growing. It doesn’t always work, but it keeps me from being cynical about teaching.

So all I’m saying is don’t be cynical. Be open to the wonder that is inherent in life and use that to motivate you, inspire you, and move you to create whatever beauty you were put on this earth to make. I hope you have a lovely weekend. ๐Ÿ™‚

Paper is Forever

The sound of wind through autumn leaves always reminds me of paper and paper is one of my favorite things. I suppose that might sound weird, but it is true. I love paper– Notebook paper, newspaper, origami paper, handmade paper with bits of flowers embedded in the weave, and perhaps most of all, I love paper in books.

One of the books I’ve recently read was Chip Kidd’s Judge This. It is, of course, a wonderful book, funny, insightful, and full of beautiful design examples. But the one thing that stood out most for me was the sentence I’ve written in calligraphy for this week.

"Paper does not die, because it's already dead and resurrected." Chip Kidd

“Paper does not die, because it’s already dead and resurrected.” Chip Kidd

I read this line and squealed. It is just so perfect andย conveys my feelings about paper, too. Paper is forever. When I curl up at night in bed to read, I love the feel of a book’s paper in my hands. Computers and digital documents make my work easier and communication faster, but my love will always be for paper things. [Also, I love that Chip Kidd is also a fan of binder clips.]

While this week’s quote might not be as universally inspirational as some of the others I’ve used in my calligraphy practice, it is inspirational to me (and I hope some others, too). Perhaps it has made you smile, too, or at least think about paper in a different way than you had before. ๐Ÿ™‚

Success and Grit

It has been a tiring, hot, strange week here in the Bay Area. We are finally supposed to be on a cooling trend and hopefully this weekend (and the coming week) will be less tiring. This quote I wrote out for my door at work seems especially apt after this week.

"Success seems to be largely a matter of holding on after others have let go." William Feather

“Success seems to be largely a matter of holding on after others have let go.” William Feather

Talk about success and grit seems to be all the rage now. How can we teach our students to be grittier? How can we train ourselves to exhibit more grit in the face of obstacles and challenges? What allows some to struggle and persevere when others give up? I don’t know the answers to those questions, although some people are looking into the answers to those questions. ย I’m looking forward to reading more of their results in the future, but until then I find this quote inspiring when I don’t feel so “gritty.”

Sometimes it is hard to continue to work, day in and day out, without any outward sign of progress or validation, especially when it seems like some people seem to be overnight successes. But it does seem, as I continue on in life and work and writing and calligraphy that success is about keeping on keeping on when others have given up and let go. If we keep learning and growing and working, then success will probably come. It’s not a guarantee (but then few things are in life), but we have a better chance than if we give up our work we are passionate about, our dreams, our visions.

So I keep looking for inspiration in the everyday moments and keep learning and writing and challenging myself because it’s what I have control over. And, also, I’ll never have to wonder what might have been if I’d have just kept at it for a little while longer. (Also, who isn’t getting just a little excited for NaNoWriMo already? Or is it just me?)

I hope you have a lovely day full of whatever inspires you to keep working towards the goals in your life that keep you passionate, alive, and growing. ๐Ÿ™‚

Startling Life

Time is just flying by now that we are in September, so I thought this quote from Emily Dickinson was rather appropriate.

"To live is startling it leaves little time for anything else." Emily Dickinson

“To live is startling it leaves little time for anything else.” Emily Dickinson

Sometimes living does seem so startling that there doesn’t seem to be time to do anything but hold on tight and hope we make it through the week. This last week was rather like that for me. When I have weeks like that, I have to remind myself to take time to pause, breathe, and remember that not every week can be incredibly productive and that sometimes just living is enough.

So I’m doubly grateful for a three-day weekend so I can rest, kick a bit of a cold that I picked up somewhere, and get back to creating. I’m also rather happy by how the calligraphy turned out. I remembered to put my traveling calligraphy pen in my bag so I’m ready for all occasions that necessitate some fancy writing.

I hope that if your life is startling this weekend, it is startling in a positive, joyful way. I’ll be back with some more calligraphy and thoughts on books and writing soon. I hope you have a lovely day. ๐Ÿ™‚

Stars and Passing Lights

Here we are at the end of another month. It’s a bit hard to believe, but soon I’ve got to flip the calendar over to September and will be fall. While fall to me always means the start of school (even though I’ve not had to sit in a classroom as a student for a few years), I’ve lately been taken to seeing it as a time to reassess the year. This is an odd, roundabout way of getting us to the quote I’m sharing today.

"We need to learn to set our course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship." Omar Nelson Bradley

“We need to learn to set our course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship.” Omar Nelson Bradley

This quote reminds me about keeping in the forefront of my mind what is most important to me, instead of following every passing fancy, and to think about what I’m working towards in life. (Also, I’m rather happy with how the calligraphy came out, even though my pen was running out of ink.) Stars are bright and hopeful and for the purposes of a human lifetime, pretty darn stable. Good things to have as a point of reference for navigating a ship or a life. While sometimes they can get hidden by clouds or light pollution, stars remain shining up in the sky. So I hope I can remember to keep my eyes focused on the stars in my life and ignore distractions as I keep on this journey of writing.

I hope you have a lovey week and have found your guiding stars for life. ๐Ÿ™‚


Oh, my goodness! With traveling and visiting with family (and not carrying my laptop with me), I never got to posting a second time last week. I’m sorry and hopefully this post will make up for it (and I’ll see if I can’t get some posts in the queue, too). This week’s quote is another of my favorites from a wonderful author.

"Wisdom is better than wit." Jane Austen

“Wisdom is better than wit.” Jane Austen

I quite like this quote (and was fairly pleased by how my calligraphy turned out, though that does remind me that I need to bring some more calligraphy supplies to my office). I’m not one of those people who are always quick with a joke or a retort, so this quote gives me comfort that it is okay. And I do try to display some wisdom and hope I’m getting better with age. Or, to paraphrase Neil Gaiman, if you can’t be wise, just pretend and do what a wise person would do! (Good idea for another week’s quote to calligraphy, too!) ๐Ÿ™‚

The best, of course, would be to have both wit and wisdom. But life is messy and hardly ever turns out as neatly as a story in the end, so all we can do is try. So try to be wise and who knows, maybe one day we’ll be witty, too.

I hope your July is going wonderfully well and you have time to relax and dream. Because, of course, in your great wisdom you know that relaxation is just as important as getting all your chores done and sometimes we all work better after a nap. ๐Ÿ™‚

Building Doors

Hello! I hope your day is going well. I know I missed last week in sharing a quote from my door, so I will post two this week. This is one of my favorite quotes and also one that challenges me.

"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." Milton Berle

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” Milton Berle

I’m sure most of us have heard this quote before about how we have to make our own destinies/success/opportunities/etc. because opportunities aren’t just handed to us; they are a result of our own tenacity. Sometimes, I think that is true, and I do believe in hard work in order to achieve my goals. But we all know (or hopefully we do) that not everyone gets an equal shot at opportunities or door building or luck. Lots of opportunities depend on luck, just being in the right place at the right time or having the right connections.

So I use this quote to remind me to not wait for lucky breaks to come my way, but to be actively engaged in working towards the goals I have for myself. It also reminds me that I need to keep working to help create a world where everyone has the opportunity to build their own door to achieve their goals and dreams.

So what door are you building and what goals are you accomplishing? I hope you are moving forward in achieving your dreams and you are helping others along the way. I also hope you have a lovely day! ๐Ÿ™‚