Let’s have Dessert!

Oh, it has been a week, hasn’t it? Some weeks are easy and some kind of hit you on the side of the nose, like a cat trying to wake you up in the morning. Since it has kind of been one of the latter kinds of weeks around here, I thought this quote was fitting.

"Life is uncertain, have dessert first." ~Will Rogers

“Life is uncertain, have dessert first.” ~Will Rogers

Sometimes it is nice to skip right to dessert and dive into a warm, fudge brownie or big bowl of frozen yogurt. We know we can’t do that all the time, but sometimes it is just what we needed. Life is crazy uncertain no matter what you’re doing, but dessert can always be certain.

So give yourself permission to have dessert first. Remember, Will Rogers said it was okay. 🙂

p.s. And if you want to make your dessert, why not try some extra nutty dark chocolate brownies? They look delicious and Joy the Baker’s recipes have never let me down.