Saturday Short: The Door in the Breezeway

Hello, weekend! Saturday morning’s always seem bright with possibility, so I thought we celebrate with a short, short piece of fiction based on a photo. I love that Sarah Addison Allen shares a super-short fiction piece every Sunday, so I thought I’d follow her lead. I decided to have my short on Saturday, though, to usher in the weekend. Hope you enjoy it.

photography of two men working on a door in a breezeway

“two men in a breezeway” by Diana Thormoto

Charlotte rushed out her door, car keys in her hands only to find the breezeway occupied by two men working on a cherry-stained door. She frowned at the chisels laying on the saw bench and the bucket of tools sitting on her stoop. Why were they working on a door here?

“Excuse me? What are you doing?”

They turned around and smiled. “Working on your door, of course,” the one holding the chisel said.

“I don’t need a new door and I certainly didn’t ask for one.” Charlotte rapped her knuckles on her solid wood door and wondered if her HOA had messed up a work order, again, it wouldn’t be the first time.

“Oh, we’re not replacing that one, ma’am,” the man holding the door in place said as he turned back to his colleague.

“Then which one are you replacing?” Charlotte crossed her arms in front of her chest and frowned.

The man with the chisel smiled. “The one that leads to your dreams.”