
So it is already April. How did that happen? I turned around and now we are into the fourth month of the year and soon the first quarter of the year will just be pages turned over on a calendar. Time flies whether we are paying attention or not.

Because of how fast time flies, I’ve been thinking of ways to incorporate doing more calligraphy (and writing, but I’ll talk about that another time) into my life. So each week I’ve been writing and posting a new quote on my office door at work. This one, from Stephen King, I particularly like.

"Hope is a good thing-maybe the best thing-and no good thing ever dies." Stephen King

“Hope is a good thing-maybe the best thing-and no good thing ever dies.” Stephen King

I like to think that hope is a thing that can never die. It keeps me going on days that are hard and hectic, days when it feels like I am doing nothing but treading through a pile of emails and not making any forward progress. But with hope and effort, there is progress and motion, and some of it is even good.

So I’ll be sharing my quotes I’ve been writing here each week. As a way to keep myself accountable for continuing to practice my calligraphy and to hopefully add a spot of brightness to anyone’s day who happens upon these posts.

I’m off now to get going on my day’s work. Remember to hope.