Saturday Short: Toadstools

photograph of clumped toadstools

“Ohh…look! Toadstools!” Erin pulled her hand out of her sister’s and ran ahead. She bent low, her nose within an inch of them.

“Careful,” Sarah said. “They’re poisonous.” She stood beside Erin. It would be three more hours until there mother came home from the market and she was relieved of babysitter duty.

“No, they’re not!” Erin said her mouth forming the pouting face that signaled an oncoming tantrum. “They’re fairy houses!”

“Well, don’t get so close. The fairies might take you,” Sarah said without thinking.

Erin jumped back. “They wouldn’t do that, would they?” Her hand found Sarah’s again and squeezed it.

“Don’t worry,” Sarah said giving Erin’s hand a reassuring squeeze. She couldn’t stand to see Erin scared. It was worse than a tantrum. “Let’s go so you can have a turn on the merry-go-round.”

“Okay!” Erin started skipping and Sarah had to run-walk to keep up.

Behind them, out of the shadows of the toadstools’ caps, blinked a pair of miniature, emerald green eyes that followed the sisters’ progress down the street with interest.