Roads and Friends

Does the end of the month give you wanderlust? Does it make you want to move? Do you get a creative burst of energy as you check off the days leading to the flip of calendar’s page? Or does the end of the month make you feel tired? Like you just want to curl up in bed because there really ought to be another day slipped in there in secrete just for rest? Whatever your feelings are about the end of the month, we should all remember:

The road to a friend's house is never long. Danish Proverb

Whether we feel energized or tired, ready to take on the world or ready for a break, making time to see friends is always a good thing (even for introverts!). We know this in our bones and science backs it up with more studies showing the importance of friends and connection. (Side note: I just read a great article on this in the latest print issue of Scientific American Mind, but it looks like it is behind a paywall so can’t link.)

So let’s use the end of spring, a time of growth and energy and change, to connect with our friends. Time flies by and without deliberate planning, we may find that while the road to our friend’s house isn’t long, we haven’t been there in a while. I look forward to using the longer days for connecting with my friends. Maybe we’ll inspire each other on top of chatting and eating good food!

I hope you have a wonderful week full of creativity and connection with your friends. 🙂